Monday, October 18, 2010

Covered in Love

OK...I need to tell you about these quilts. A Dear Saint from Binford, North Dakota sent my 3 younger boys each a quilt this last week. Jake and Mitch have their FAV sports team on theirs (Vikings and Twins) and Ben's colors in his apartment are blues/browns. They are all very happy!
When we lived in Binford, our church had a special senior recognition for their high school graduates. The quilters would make each graduating senior a quilt. On a Sunday in May, they would present these quilts to them...wrapping each young person in their quilt...reminding them they are carried by the Baptism vows we make as a church and covered in love, prayers and now, this handmade and gifted quilt to them. My 2 older sons were "covered" in their quilts years ago...which are still very meaningful to them...because they graduated from high school while we still lived on the prairies of North Dakota.
And, now, 5 years later...our dear friend, Lorraine, wanted to give my 3 younger boys each THEIR own special quilt....HOW SWEET IS THAT????!!! We are blessed!
Thank you Lorraine! We send you bear hugs and high fives!

1 comment:

  1. Way Sweet!!! Those boys are sure special and I'm so glad there are those special people in your lives to be around my sister and her family who I love very much!!
