Thursday, June 24, 2010


Today I am baking one of our family's favorite cookie....milky way cookie.
While growing up, my mom use to always bake yummy treats and wonderful meals...we always felt safe and loved because of her.
Yesterday, our dear friend, Pastor Deborah, lost her mother.
Our church needs healing and love.
Our favorite Larry is celebrating his birthday today.
My friend, Trish, celebrated a birthday with a zero in it this week.
My niece, Lyndie, turned 25!
So...lots of reasons to go to Jesus today. My heart grieves for Deborah. Our church.
Another part of me celebrates those special people in our lives...who are a joy to know and celebrate.
So, I'm baking cookies. To comfort the soul. To cheer a
friend and to fill my home with the sweet aroma of love.

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