Thursday, December 24, 2009


What a year!

Aaron: Airman First Class stationed @ Hill Air Force Base, passionate about his faith and music, a great big brother and makes his parents proud… and does he have muscles! My gosh! He’s been working out… a real heartbreaker… girls line up!

Luke and Char: make their home in Fargo. Char is a NDSU graduate (woot) with 3 majors!!!! (Biology, Chemistry and Spanish). Luke is nearing the finish line with a Hospitality services degree. Luke works for Subway and Char is with Sylvan. We are looking forward to their visit over the New Year’s! We’re counting the days!

Ben: full-time student @ WSU in the Respiratory Therapy program, telemarketing for the Cheesecake Factory (we suggest the red velvet cheesecake!!), managing a 30some apartment complex and youth director for our church. He is an incredible friend ( the kind of friend that would put a live turkey in your backyard when you are not at home) and a lot of fun to be with.

Jake: 9th grader @ Christian Heritage School. He is very active with baseball, basketball, snowboarding, bass guitar and keeping his grades up (did we say, keeping his grades up… actually, he is doing quite well). He is growing into such a nice young man… maybe too nice!

Mitch: 8th grader @ CHS. Active with baseball, basketball, snowboarding, drumming and drumming and drumming and drumming… our little drummer boy! And he is a walking encyclopedia of sports statistics… maybe some day he will be a regular ‘Howard Cosell’.

We thank God for each one of these fine young men and our beautiful dtr-in-law. We are proud of each one of them for their kind and generous hearts, for their compassionate lives and their connectedness to family, friends and faith.

Chuck: had a “mountaintop” experience this year – by wrecking his knee on top of Powder Mountain skiing, beginning his Doctorate @ LTS in Biblical Preaching, teaching New Testament to 8th graders @ CHS, shepherding a wonderful fellowship @ OSLC, and vacationing with family @ the Oregon coast. And of course being the Rock n’ Roll star that he is… playing in a newly formed brothers band.

Deb: had emergent open-heart surgery 9/12/09 and now living with a “Grateful” heart! Enjoyed hanging out with MN family and friends for a whole month last June and vacationing on the Oregon coast. I count my blessings EACH day for MY boys, MY dtr-in-law and MY “one and only” – the one who holds my heart, Chuck. (wouldn’t you know it… the one with the biggest heart in our family… would have such a thing as this happen to her… we are so very thankful and love her dearly and dearly and dearly) She is the Heart of this family without a doubt… as for me… dare I say I might be the burrito grande!

So, Merry Christmas from Teamsabin…stay in touch, stay close to those you love and give generously with your heart and time! Emmaunuel. God with us!

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